
Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Bye, Bye Birdie

I love birds! I love their feathers and their beaks. I love the different variety and the fact that every bird makes its own unique nest and has its own unique call. How can anyone look around at the different types of birds, from the tiny hummingbird to the ostrich, and not believe in Intelligent Design? I forgot my daggum Audubon Society North American Field Guide to Birds book on this trip. I could have identified a thousand variety of birds, but alas it sets on my bookshelf at home. So why does the above picture bother me? I know you can't see it well. I don't have Photo Shop on this computer to edit; but it is a big black raven or crow. Look at its proportion to the trash can and you can tell he is BIG. The problem with this bird is that we've seen it everywhere we have been since the Painted Desert. Little I was taking random pictures at the park, we noticed the bird and he captured this image. I don't mean to imply that it is the same bird, that would be spooky right? But, how do you explain that this bird has shown up in strange places where we are? We woke up this morning and Big C went out to pack the car and this bird species was setting on our car and had done his birdie business on our already filthy vehicle. He has shown up at the Grand Canyon, Yellowstone, Cody, and several little towns in between and at odd places like a wall, or dumpster, or a small tree in hotel lots or walking around in the sand, etc. He is always alone. Don't birds flock or something? As much as I like birds, I don't notice every bird nor am I always looking for them, but I sure have noticed this one. Just thought I would creep you out a bit.

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