
Wednesday, June 25, 2008

What's That I Smell?

I haven't touched on how much I love to read yet and therefore as, "Reading Rosie," I should probably tell you a bit about this topic. Working at a library, of course, is my ideal job because I love everything about books. Since I am on staff, my co-workers and I get first choice of the books before they are released to the public. There is nothing like a brand new book hot off the press. From the clean cover, crisp pages and new ink smell, every book is magic and reeks with the potential to change your life, make you think or take you on a memorable journey. Some books with great reviews turn out to be disappointing while others books with little known authors might become a favorite. Actually, I prefer the lesser known authors most of the time because the best sellers tend to get more hype and usually never equals the build up. I read a lot of Christian Fiction. Christian fiction used to be cheesy but over the years newer authors realized the potential for this venue and began writing more in depth plots and broader story lines. While I don't completely limit my reading to the Christian Fiction market, I find the more I read books without bad language, gory death details, or sexual escapades, the less I tolerate books with that garbage. I also decided when my boys where younger if I wouldn't want my them reading it, then it wasn't worth having around. Lead by example is my motto! When I was much younger, energetic, thinner and better looking, I could read five or six books per week, but I am slowing down. I only manage to get maybe two books read per week and sometimes only one. I don't understand this phenomena since I am still relatively young, energetic and aging, for the most part (or parts because some areas are questionable), gracefully. Forget the thin part!
Last week I read Refuge, an Unnatural History of Family and Place by Terry Tempest Williams. This book was given to me by my reading buddy Ruthetta and she has me pegged very well as to what I like. From the Great Salt Lake and the Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge to a daughter dealing with her mother dying of cancer, this book is educational, reflective and spiritual. It was a ten tissue read at least.
This week's book was the complete opposite which shows my diversity in what I read.
Ted Dekker is a Christian Fiction/Thriller author. Adam is his latest creation and it has nothing to do with what you are thinking about the name. Dekker, for lack of a better word, is bizarreo! His books are comparable to Stephen King, but without the bad language or morbidness. You can expect the unexpected, unusual plot twists and usually a spiritual side, although, I find I really have to dig for the spiritual part sometimes. If you have never read anything by him, give him a try and expect a chill to run up your spine.
Usually I have at least five books stacked up on my nightstand but tonight I have zero, zilch, nada. Luckily, I work tomorrow and hopefully will have a minute to look for something or better still, a new box of books might arrive at our door! I can smell them now.
Thanks for reading and look for Part III of our trip slide show coming soon.

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