Part of what makes blogging conferences great are the sponsors. Sponsors help keep the cost of conferences low and they recognize the power of social media. Behind the fingers of 700 women bloggers lay vast opportunities for advertising; this ensures good swag. I normally don't promote brands on my blog because I'm just not into that, but today I make an exception and I'm not even being compensated {although I would love to have some sample tubes to pass along...hint, hint}.
Hidden deep within the recesses of my swag bag was a magic tube of hand sanitizing lotion. I rarely use hand sanitizers because most contain alcohol which tends to dry out my hands and makes my skin peel. I want to kill the germs people, not the top layer of epidermis. This tube was labeled Veripur. Upon further investigation, Veripur is a new product exclusively available at Walgreens. Oh how I wish I had known about this product prior to entering the plagued dome. I would have slathered my hands down with this moisturizing, germ killing product every few hours and conquered Mr. Flu. This tube of lightly scented gold makes me believe I'm pampering my hands instead of killing nasty little germs. Reality is, I'm doing both and that is a lovely product bonus. Please visit the Veripur Web-Site to learn more, watch their YouTube video below, then go purchase their fabulous product. Worth. Every. Penny.
Beyond Veripur being an exceptional product, a representative behind Veripur was a pleasure to meet also. He mingled with the bloggers outside of the work venue to build relationships. Because of his extrovert personality, my girl friends and I had the privilege of dining late one evening with Mr. David Binkowski and a few other fabulous people. A funny guy, a good sport, and a joy to be around, David is the real deal when it comes to digital marketing. Thanks, David, for making the Beverlies feel special and for entertaining us with your wit and charm. You Rock!
(Photo by Jenny Lawrence Viars)
Rosie you are a true gem! Thank you for welcoming me into the Beverlies. I could've done without the picture, though ;)
LOL...Remember, David, I asked first :) Thanks!
OOOH, so sad I missed that!~Thanks for the good tip, I will be picking some up next time I am in Asheville!
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