
Sunday, November 23, 2008

Day #21 – The Humiliation Chronicles – Taking Out The Trash

Apparently, in my life there are those who want me to stand naked and humiliated in front of the world. (See comments from day #20) To humor them in their boring little worlds I shall now write “The Humiliation Chronicles.”

In the summer of 2004, MDH had to have major back surgery. Due to a work related injury two years prior, his spinal column bone was pressing against the nerves in his back causing his legs to hurt and tingle. He now lives with a seven-inch scar down his back, but he does not hurt anymore. God guided the surgeon’s hand with skill.

During the six months MDH was home and under my watchful care, it is sufficient to say I had to do some household chores that he “normally” did. That is not to say we divide chores in our house, but couples do settle into habits that become his/her responsibilities and in this case taking out the trash had become a “his” job. I can honestly say that in the eighteen years we had been married I had never had to bundle up the trash and take it to the curb for the garbage man to pick-up. MDH, always the gentleman, did not want his lovely bride dragging the trash to the curb. According to everyone, this is interpreted as being SPOILED! Nevertheless, being the submissive wife I am, I would not hear of MDH getting the trash together on trash day in his fragile condition and took care of the situation. I was so proud of myself. I had taken out the trash! All by myself, sort of.

It was not until friend breakfast one Friday that the reality of what I actually did surfaced. You see, I meet a couple of girlfriends every Friday morning for breakfast. We call it “friend breakfast” but in reality, it is cheap therapy. We laugh, cry, eat, confess, pray and support one another. God bless them, they also keep me humble. On this particular Friday, I came strutting into the restaurant prepared to tell the girls what I had done. Here are the details: “You will be proud to know I took out the garbage. Yes, I actually took out the garbage! Well, the boys emptied the little trash cans into the big can. Then Big C tied the kitchen trash together. I helped him carry the bags to the garage. He put the bags into the trunk of my car and we drove them down the driveway and Big C set them out on the curb.” As I was telling this story, my “friends” began smiling, then giggling, then laughing. Hard! It was not until they were rolling in the restaurant floor in hysterics that the truth became clear to me. I had not physically taken out the garbage. Big C had done all the work, but in my mind, I had. How humiliating! That was four summers ago and everyone still throws this in my face every time we get together. “I am NOT spoiled!” I say as I stomp my foot and pout, but I have not taken out the garbage since that incident.

Coming soon – The Humiliation Chronicles - Blisters.

Thanks for reading, Rosie.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Isn't confession good for the soul??? YYA