Have you FELT the love this month? Sure hope you have experienced a little love in your life and not necessarily the romantic type. Romantic love often fades with time. True love only gets sweeter with time. Gotta get ya some of that!
Suzanne at Colorado Lady has plenty of Love-on-Wednesday to share so click on over and feel the LOVE.
Here are a few "heart" items I have laying around my love shack. From a jello mold, cookie cutters, napkin rings and a few quilted hearts, this display was assembled on my kitchen table just for you love addicts.

Thank you for the world so sweet,
Thank you for the food we eat,
Thank you for the birds that sing,
Thank you God, for everything.

Focus on this little heart for a moment. Focus....Focus.... This sweet little thing is almost 37 years old. I received it from a much older boy (at least 11) in my neighborhood on whom I had a huge crush on my 7th birthday. The chain has gone missing over the years, but I somehow held onto the heart. I remember it was my 7th birthday because my mother made me wear a pink construction paper crown that had a huge "7" in glitter on the front. I had to stand in front of everybody with seven fingers pointing in the air while the neighborhood children sang "Happy Birthday". Probably the single most humiliating moment I can remember besides these incidents. I don't remember any other gift I received for my birthday that year besides this heart necklace. Never mind that the boy's grandmother sold Avon and his mother bought it for me, that is trivial info. What mattered was HE brought it to me on my 7th birthday. I wore it until the chain was too tiny to go around my thick neck.

I finally had to replace it with this heart necklace which was given to me on my 16th birthday by the same much older neighborhood boy (at least 20 now) on whom I still had a crush. Never mind that his grandmother sold Avon and that his mom probably bought it. It was the fact that HE gave it to me and I wore it until the stainless steel shine was dull. I've kept it in its original box for the last 20 years in a safe place.

This may actually turn out to be my most humiliating moment yet.
Thanks for reading, Rosie.
That is a true valentine story! How wonderful to still have your true valentine!!
To have a crush at 7 and then continue to hold that crush for all these years is truly a sweet love story. Love the necklace, I know it is very special.
Aw, how sweet is that? What a smart MAN to go after the WOMAN OF THE FUTURE!
BTW: I left a friend request on Shelfari.
I was amazed that you held onto the heart all these years...then I realized you held onto the boy too! Way to go Rosie!! I just loved this story....a real love story! Made my heart warm to read this!! Have a great afternoon, and thanks for sharing your wonderful life......oh, and give Oscar a rub on the belly..will ya?
Ah, ah, ah, ah, stayin alive, stayin alive...
You guys are too precious! It's such a good picture.
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