
Wednesday, March 11, 2009

True Confession - I Am Terrified Of The "D Word"

Please do not say the “d word” around me. I cannot even type the “d word” because I shutter with fear and trepidation at those seven conjoined letters and what they represent. For a large percentage of my youth whenever the “d word” was mentioned, I grew sick to my stomach, crawled into the depths of my closet and resided there for several days praying my parents would grow irresponsible and forget about me. Unfortunately, because they were responsible adults regarding my teeth, the Republicans, they would eventually find me and drag me kicking and screaming to the “d word.” These same responsible parents also allowed me to watch the Dustin Hoffman movie “Marathon Man.” If you have seen that movie, you know of what I speak. Did they really expect to raise a normal daughter?

A “d word” visit is the worst possible type of torture invented unto man. Flatten my breast for a mammogram or insert a cold steel spectrum any day of the week but please, do not place me in a chair, turn me upside and force me to unhinge my jaw bones to scrape my teeth with tiny sharp stainless steel tools or worse yet, drill holes in my teeth with a Black and Decker mini drill.

Dr. Q was my “d word” many years ago. He now lives in “d word” hell where there is much gnashing of teeth. I am sure he is happy. He was known through Southwest Virginia and Northeast Tennessee as an evil man who took great pleasure in administering pain to good people. Anyone who was unfortunate enough to visit his medieval chambers was purposely greeted with a sly grin and laugh, strapped to a reclining chair, draped with a chain and drool cloth, strategically placed under a drill arm within easy site of the tool tray, then left to wait thirty minutes to anticipate all the fun only to endure being straddled by a 6’ 7” giant who strained his neck muscles by seeing how much pressure he could apply (all said without taking a breath).

I still have nightmares about going to the “d word.” Seriously! At least once a month since I was a child I wake up in a cold sweat having dreamed my teeth are loose and falling out and have to make a trip to the “d word.” Even in my dreams I am reassuring myself it is just a dream and for love of all that is holy, “Wake Up!” All this has caused me to become obsessive compulsive regarding my teeth. Truly, I brush my teeth at least four times per day, sometimes five just for reassurance. I carry a toothbrush, toothpaste and dental floss everywhere I go. I take the mantra “brush and floss after every meal” literally. People stop me in public and ask me about my teeth so they can see the panic on my face just for grins.

What does all this mean to my children? Well first, they hear the phrase “brush your teeth” about ten times per day. Sometimes, when I cannot think of anything else to say, I say “brush your teeth” just in case. Despite my affliction, I have managed to get my kids to the “d word” on a regular basis. I searched the world over until I found a sweet Mr. Rogers type “d word”. One who speaks softly, has soft hands and keeps his tools hidden until the last minute so as not to ignite fear into the hearts of my sons. Moreover, do you know my nasty, rotten children have never had one cavity. Not one! They have never gone under the drill! How unfair is that?

I am convinced that Dr. Q faked my cavities for kicks and money. My much older brother says the same thing so that makes it a fact. We have had many in depth conversations about this area of our childhood and credit Dr. Q with most of our psychotic spells. Oh, I know what you are thinking. Find a “d word” that puts you to sleep while doing procedures. Hear me laughing hysterically and saying, “I DON’T THINK SO!" I have seen that Seinfeld episode thank you very much.

Thanks for reading, Rosie.


Z said...

Hi, Rosie, thanks for coming by!! This made me really laugh! (I thought the D word was Democrat for a minute!) Do you remember the PAIN when they put those cardboard Xray things in your 8 yr old mouth and said BITE DOWN? The tears would squirt out!!
By the way, my dentist the other day said that it's a fact that many dentists did more fillings in kids than they should have back then! Grrrr!!

Hey! You're an Apronista!? You must know my good and dear buddy Pinky from CHEESE IN MY SHOE blog, huh!?
Stay in touch!! xx Z

jstrewh2 said...

That is funny!!! I have same fears but I can say the "D word" LOL. I really enjoyed that. See you later maybe on facebook.

Paige said...

This post made me laugh...I could have written it! My "d words" always complain because I shake so much and so hard I literally shake the chair! lol

Anonymous said...

Hey Rosie!!
Oh girl......I can't STAND going to the dentist. I once begged them to use laughing gas on me just to do a cleaning. Seriously. They wouldn't do it.

Anyway, I'm in need of a check-up at this very moment. That might have to wait another week or two.
Hey, you've got a lovely blog here. Your aprons are cute!
Take care and have a great weekend!

Anonymous said...

Hey Rosie!! I too HATE the Den...Oh sorry the "d" word!!! LOL When i was a child my mom had to chase me from the back of the van to the front. I would run trying to get out of going to the "d". But once I got to be a teenager, it wasnt so bad. I had one of those Mr. Roger ones, sweet Dr. Pittenger. But after going to him 3-4 years he and his wife moved their practice to Nashville. :( I was so upset. And I havent been to the dentist since..(gasp) I know, I'm awful, but I do take care of my teeth. But I am due or should I say OVER-due for a cleaning. But I was one of those kids that they did useless fillings on, and it is really tramatic as a when I have kids before long you'll have to share with me your Mr. my kids won't be as terified as I was.

Love ya, Rachel

Andrea said...

HAHAHA! Being an "anti-dentite" myself......I HATE the "d-word". Hate it. Would rather have 30 more c-sections than have that picker thing jabbed into my teeth. I found a "sedation dentist" that took me for 3 grand and STILL don't have my teeth fixed. The only good thing about it was that I clawed a hole in the arm of his fancy chair with my fingernails.

Reading Rosie said...

I knew I wasn't alone! Nice to be confirmed!