I have the results, my friends, of the dresses I will take to Blissdom '10! If you do not know of which I speak, too bad. Just kidding! You can go here to catch up.
Drum roll please.......
Dress #1 was the most popular with fourteen votes;
Drum roll please.......
These are the dresses in which I feel the most confident and the ones that will now go in to my suitcase. Thank you Bloggie and Facebook friends for all the positive feedback. Your opinions helped confirm my thoughts.
I realize that some of you are thinking, "Why is she obsessing over this?" Let me remind you.....I am the wife of one manly man, the mother of two manly boys, and the owner of an alpha male dog. I am surrounded by testosterone on an hourly basis. I am also a nerdy bookworm that works in a library and am somewhat of a computer geek. And I home school! I am lucky to get out of my pajamas on most days. One any given day I might witness burp or fart contests and clean up dog poop. If I do manage to get dressed, ratty jeans, a stained hoodie and wool socks is my attire. Occasionally, I manage to put makeup on my acne prone skin and brush my hair. It's not a pretty picture people! I have LOST my femininity! I have to fight for the right to watch Project Runway one hour per week. I am out of the loop on what is fashionable for a 40ish woman. When I get the chance to "escape" my first thought is, "What should I wear?"
On that note.....pick your three favorites from the following ensembles.....Please and Thank You!
Assume that all of these looks have black pants or jeans.
#1 - Green tunic sweater with a black sleeveless blouse.
#2 - Multi-colored, splatter wear top.
#3 - Sparkling grey tunic sweater with sleeveless red tank.
#4 - Retro print top with sleeveless lace tank and groovy vest.
#5 - Bluegreen sweater with matching sleeveless tank.
#6 - Longsleeve black shirt with tunic style overskirt.
#7 - Short sleeve black shirt with drop-shoulder, bat-wing sleeve sweater.
Once again, your opinion is greatly desired and appreciated. I would take you with me if I could!
Thanks for reading, Rosie.
I so know NOTHING about fashion. I just wait for Rosie to clean out her closet and pass on her hand-me-downs to me! Yes, I am fortunate enough to not only know this lady personally but to see her on a regular basis. With that being said, I've seen her in #1, and it was VERY NICE! That's my pick, and I'm sticking to it! -- Angie
I vote for numbers 2,3,and 5. I don't see any really bad choices here!! And not sure I know much if anything about fashion either. LOL
I have enjoyed the posts!
Okay, okay, I'll pick numbers just for you...#1 just because Angie knows so well, #7 because it looks like the whirl of your personality (both of these with black pants) and #5 with blue jeans. Yes, I know, I'm a plain sort...but all in all, whatever you pick will be great. I can just sense it already! ...merry sunshine
Rosie, I am so jealous of your trip to Nashville. Sounds like fun. I think you should pick the outfits that make you feel most comfortable and are most flattering. With that being said, my favorites are 3, 5 and 7.
PS - I'm hoping your blog doesn't change too much. I love it the way it is.
#5,6,7...they're all lovely, though!
No worries about my blog changing too much....this trip is mainly for my sanity sake and to get some inspiration :)
Just got a ticket for BlissDom!
Can't wait!
Okay...I like #1 the best.... then #5 ...then #4.
Megan, so glad you got a ticket! See you there and thanks for your help :)
7, 1, 3 Just Say'n
I actually like the first one with the green sweater - classy and comfortable :)
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