
Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Two Sweet Women

A BIG thank you to two Sweet women!

To Megan at Sweet Sadie Marie, who invited me to guest post on her sweet blog today AND

To Sweetie Berry at Growing Into Lovely who wrote a sweet guest post for my blog today. 
She even created a sweet pink tour bus just for me.   Too sweet!

Sweet!  Sweet!  Sweet!

Words cannot express how blessed I feel to have become aquainted with these two SWEET ladies.  
They have made my life....well, Sweet!

                                           Thanks for reading, Rosie.


Anonymous said...

It's so nice to read a post that compliments people. Bravo. I love it. They sound like great people.

Megan said...

You are sooo welcome!

You are a fabulous writer...and an even great friend!!!!