
Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Nobody Knows the Trouble I've Seen

I desperately need sunshine! These gray winter days are hard on me mentally and physically. Ever seen the movie "The Shining" where Jack Nicholson goes stark-raving-mad from being snowed in a haunted hotel all winter? --- I'm just saying!

On top of that, I have not had my Friday Friend Breakfast Therapy Session since before Christmas. A girls gotta have her a little girl talk occasionally to keep her sanity.

I also need a date night with MDH whom I have not talked to without interruption from the phone, boys, dog, work, school and a host of other reasons for two months. Not that we can remember how to have a conversation without interruption. I can think of one-hundred things I want to talk about until it gets quiet, then my mind goes blank.

My calendar is full for the next several weeks. I do not like a full calendar. It makes my tummy hurt and causes me to get cold sores on my lip.

I am not focusing clearly. MDH was looking for two left-over sausage biscuits which should have been in the refrigerator, but were not to be found there because I had put them in the pantry.

My house is dirty. Who wants a clean house when everything seems dirty and bleak?!

The only book I have on my night stand is "While I Lay Dying" by William Faulkner. I work at a library for goodness sake. Could I have picked a more depressing book?

Creative Writing class today was Haikus.

Winter blues my heart

from the sunshine of yellow

to deep indigo

Math class was Probabilities. What is the probability that the sun will shine tomorrow when the weather man predicts 100% chance of precipitation? Write your answer as a ratio and put it in lowest terms.

One of our spelling words today was improbability.

We talked about noun complements today in Language. "Mother seems depressed." Mother = depressed.

Big I played "Nobody Knows The Trouble I've Seen" on his guitar.

MDH had to go into work an hour early this morning on slick roads.

Big C had a headache and a large zit.

Oscar ate his poop.

My twin sister showed up. I hate her!

Life at our house is sweeeeeet! How is winter treating you?

Thanks for reading, Rosie.


Anonymous said...

Ah ha! My guess is that twin sister showing up is at the root of most of your problems and I'm so proud of you that you can joke about it while in the thick of things. I'm struggling to stay optimistic lately myself and no twin sister expected ... menopause is like having your twin sister move in with you permanently, so be prepared!

See you Friday!

Gary said...

A light, bubbly blog. I enjoyed reading your anecdote. I always thought that the weather in Tennessee was warm. We live in Canada and, for the past week, our temperatures have hovered around
-15 to -20 degrees F.

We're getting kind of tired of it. Need some warm sun!

I invite you to visit my site at

Have a healthy and prosperous 2009.


Paige said...

I feel your pain!

I've been COLD COLD COLD today...I'm thinking a nice bubble bath will help. : ) Gotta take Oscar out for his nightly walk first, though...and it's only twenty degrees. : P

Anonymous said...

I feel your pain--just when I think things won't be any more "gray" I find out my husband is going to be a grandpa...
Need I say more? ;-)


Reading Rosie said...

I believe that makes you a grandma by association!