
Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Funny You Should Ask

I work in a public library.   Why do people assume that because I work in a public library I automatically know the answer to every question I am asked?

You've heard the expression, "There are no ignorant questions".   I am here to say, "Yes, there are plenty of ignorant questions and I've encountered more than my share."

Caller:     How do you make freezer pickles?
Me:         I don't know.
Caller:     Do you have the recipe?
Me:         We have a lot of great cookbooks.
Caller:     Can you look it up for me?

Patron:     Can you recommend a good psychiatrist
                   for personality disorders?
Me:          You probably need to check with your doctor.

Patron:      I am looking for a book.  
                 I do not know the author or the title.  
                 Can you help me? 

Caller:       Who is this?
Me:           The Public Library.
Caller:       What do you want?
Me:           I don't know.  You called me!

Patron:      What book do you recommend?
Me:            What do you like to read?   Fiction or Nonfiction?
Patron: know, the made up stuff. 
                    I like to read anything.
Me:            You mean Fiction?  Do you like Mysteries?
Patron:      No, I don't like Mysteries.
Me:            Do you like Science Fiction?
Patron:      No, I don't like Science Fiction. 
Me:            How about Romance?
Patron:      No, I don't like Romance.
Me:            Murder?
Patron:      No.
Me:            Informational?  Biographies?
Patron:      No. No.   (Loud sigh)  I think I'll just check out a DVD. 
                  What do you recommend?

Patron:       I need a resume'. 
                  Someone said I could get one here. 
                  Do you have any?

I did not write this post to make fun of anyone.  Honest!   I try my best to answer every question I encounter with a smile.   Some days are tougher than others and by the end of the day I want to bang my head against the circulation desk.

But, I am really curious....what funny, odd, strange, or ignorant, question have you been asked recently?   This one doesn't count ;)

Thanks for reading, Rosie.


Anonymous said...

I laughed out loud, LOL!

Anonymous said...

In defense of said 'Patron' asking for a book and didn't know the title or the author -- You found the book for me!!! Is it any wonder we all think you are better than Jeeves???

Laura L. said...

Wow, you are right. Those are definitely some ignorant questions. Maybe you should recommend Google. :)

See Mom Smile said...

First. I love librarys and especially librarians. My dad was one! He shared stories like that all the time. He worked back in the day with no internet and patrons expected him to be a wallking search engine ( including myself)! See my post on the Librarians Daughter. You will probably get a kick out of it. Love your blog. Stopping by from SITS and I will be back!

The homesteadingcottage said...

So have to just smile (: Here are some that I've encountered lately:

~ Question: Which color would you prefer, teal or black.
~ Answer: Yes

~ Question: He's not available at the moment, would you like to be transferred to his voicemail or leave a message with his secretary.
~ Answer: That would be fine.

~ Question: Could I have the chicken with that salad?
~ Answer: Would you prefer beef or chicken?

Sigh...but it does keep the chuckles coming, eh?

Just A Normal Mom said...

Wow - that was the best laugh all morning! I'm still chuckling about it...
Stopping by from SITS!

Anonymous said...

These are totally funny. You should collect them and then write a book. How do you keep your sanity ... or keep from laughing out loud?

Young Wife said...

Ha! My favorite was "Can you recommend a good psychiatrist?" Wow. Stopping by from SITS. said...

Stopping by from SITS - love the interactions! I had my duh moment today when I stopped at a famous fast food restaurant today to pick up some fries for my son...

Cashier: Hi, How Can I Help you
Me: I'd like a medium fries
Cashier: Would you like fries with that?